I’m not very good at making decisions, whether that’s big important ones, or even the more trivial ones such as which images to use from a shoot. The latter is not helped by working with models that produce such a great variety of poses, such as the very special Lulu Lockhart.
As an example here’s the images I’ve selected from a set we did at a castle in Scotland, and this is only one out of eight great sets we did at this location. There are other good images in the set, but these are the 22 I really like!
This is the first image I edited, I chose this one as I like the shape and it’s one of the few FaceBook/Instagram friendly images from the set.
Now I have the difficult task of working out which other images to edit, there’s very little retouching needing on Lulu herself, but as you can see from the others below I edited out the lichen in the final image above, which is a boring and lengthy task. Do let me know your favourites, click to see them larger?
Thanks a lot Lulu for giving me so many great images to edit ;)
Unless cropping down to the model, they look better with the lichen in. Otherwise the background is a little too stark and featureless.
Good point Inca, and I do agree somewhat. I wouldn’t crop in tight on the model, as I like my images to include models rather than be images of models. I may look at down the lichen rather than removing it.