I was looking through the images of my last shoot with the wonderful Kayleigh Lush recently, and I was just astounded with the number of great images we produced, she can really pull off the most imaginative and amazing poses. Most of the images need just a little more post-processing than Lightroom is capable of because of the constraints of the lighting, so here are just a few.
Kayleigh’s legs were really absolutely perfectly positioned just as they look in the image, I have not messed with them in Photoshop. One of the problems you often get with photographers directing models is that the model is usually facing you so your left is her right and vice-versa, leading to confusion when you say things like “move left a bit” – her left or your left? Fortunately on this occasion my left was Kayleigh’s left, so she was able to follow my precise instructions such as “left leg up a smidgen” or “down a tad” :)
Next we have an image which is quite a different style for me. I had purchased some long black gloves as well as a shiny black bead stringy-thing which I had always wanted to use. I had not managed to previously get a decent shot with any other model with these props, but as you can see Kayleigh effortlessly integrates them into a great pose.
And finally I have always liked the shot of the bottom half of Ella-Rose in the swimming pool cubicle, the shape of just her bottom half simplified the picture so much, and many of my images are about shapes. So I had an idea for a surreal image using my now well-known TuTu, and the bottom half of a model projecting out of it. After explaining my idea to Kayleigh she pulled it off perfectly, and this is the image just as I imagined it. Unfortunately it’s not likely to be entered in any British photographic exhibitions as sadly most judges here wouldn’t understand it and generally mark down nudes or anything considered different, usually preferring the current “theme” or “trend” that is doing the rounds at the moment.
So a big thank you to Kayleigh, three totally different shots and many more great ones to come out of that shoot. I can’t wait to see what we can produce in an outdoor location.
Very nice Tim. The last one is extraordenairy, at first glance it leaves you puzzled. Great idea.
Beautiful work Mr. Pile. I can see your process begins way before you pick up the camera.