Scotland has to be one of my favourite places to shoot, on a par with Iceland. It has such fantastic scenery, and is even close enough to drive up to if I wanted to. On this particular visit I flew up with the lovely Fawnya as we went up to the north of the country, and driving up that far would lose you at a days shooting each way. I did a blog post with some other images from the trip as well.
I’m always on the lookout for interesting rocks, and we found this great one one a beach. I was tempted to clone the lighthouse out in the background, but thought it made a nice addition without being too distracting.
As well as natural rocks it has many stone age sites, and Fawnya used her imaginative posing ability very well on this particular monument.
This was a particularly impressive rock structure, with the angles in Fawnya’s pose working well with the lines in the rocks.
I do love a waterfall, and it was tricky to find the right angle, and for Fawnya to find somewhere to pose on and do a very waterfally pose :)
This is a very well known hole in the rock, and a nice view up the river.
We took shelter in this seacave while it was raining, and the rain actually helped as it meant we were unlikely to be disturbed, and the lighting shows off Fawnya’s superb figure.
Many thanks to Fawnya for all the great images we got on this trip, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what we can create in the Algarve early next year,
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