As mentioned in a previous blog post I visited the Algarve with the beautiful and talented Fawnya last year. I’ve edited many more images so thought I would do a blog post.
This particular location took a lot of effort to get to, including me falling in and going underwater twice, but fortunately I had my camera gear in a dry bag, which did it’s job perfectly to my relief. I think it was worth all the hard work getting there.
The sunsets were rather special there as well, with the light showing off the toning of Fawyna’s torso perfectly.
Looking up on the Internet the name Fawnya means ‘little deer’, and many deer have impressive climbing abilities, just like Fawnya. She fitted herself into these rocks perfectly as well.
These were rather interesting rocks, although everything may not be as it seems!
She effortlessly produced lots of amazing poses, even when there were very few foot and hand holds.
These were interesting rock patterns, and called for a more natural pose.
And she fitted into the environment perfectly here as well.
I’ve shown this image to lots of people, and the most common response is something along the lines of “How on earth did she do that?”, which is pretty much what I was thinking while I was taking the image!
While I do leave plenty of time for models to rest we do sometimes shoot in the evening if the villa is nice and we have some nice light.
We found a few old buildings as well, and this one provided a nice shape with the sea and sky as a backdrop.
And we used the drone a few times as well, you could not see these patterns from the grounds, but to me they look like rain and a storm.
Many thanks to Fawyna for working so hard, putting up with all the travelling and early starts, and producing so many amazing poses, making the trip so productive and enjoyable.
Another fabulous set of images number nine is my favourite but they each have so much to make me want to got back for another look xx
Thanks Elizabeth, I think there’s a great variety of shots.
Another superb set of images – particularly like the third one as she has perfectly fitted into the rock shapes. Well done both of you!
Thanks Richard, and I agree that she poses extremely well, and the mind boggles at how she did some of the poses :)
Just found your website. Amazing collection here. I particularly love the sunset cliff photo. Great composition – the light, pose and waves really work together for a stunning photo.
Thanks Michael, and the angle of the light and the cliff background worked so well.