I probably take photographs of models rather less often than people think, this may be due to the sporadic way I edit and show images. Well next year I will try to be more organised in my editing workflow, but don’t hold out any hope! However, I will be shooting more often. I have quite a few shoots already booked, but I’m looking at finding some new models to work with, as well as working with models I’ve worked with before but haven’t worked with for some time.
Working on location with a like-minded creative model is an amazing experience, and I like multi-day shoots as it means you can get to some great places, especially with the help of the much maligned budget airlines. Any models, UK as well as touring, who feel that our style are compatibles, and that we could create great images together please drop me a line. I’d probably be looking at arranging something for the second half of 2018, but I do like to plan in advance.
What triggered me to do this blog post was when I was editing an image of the super Ivory Flame, from a great trip in 2014 to visit my good friend and talented photographer Francisca Da Silva, who lives in Portugal, and I ended up editing quite a few images from this particular day.
This was first thing in the morning, in a car park by the side of the road, of all places, but what a car park! Stunning pose by Holly.
This was inside an old building, I think it was an old hospital or something like that. I just love the shape that Holly is making.
And this was looking the other way into this particularly interestingly shaped room.
And the last couple on a delightful balcony.
Many thanks to Holly, for these and all the other great images we have produced, and I look forward to hearing from any models interesting in doing some location trips with me.
Beautiful work as always my favourite is the last one on the balcony xx
Thank you Elizabeth, I thought you might like that one :)
Bravo Tim …. Stunning images with beautiful compositions as only you can consistently create !!! Thanks for sharing them.
Thanks Per, I try very hard to get the composition right, to give the model a great setting to pose in.
Love the balcony image
Thanks Steve, it does seem to be a popular one :)
Greetings Mr Pile, how is it that I’m so late to see this particular blog post of yours? :)
Beautiful photos. Everyone seems to love the last balcony photos and I can see why. The blue cloth seems to make the photo pop in the color
department. It even seems to bring out Ivory Flames hair a bit more. Plus it brought out the door a bit more Haha. I do hope you and Holly can
work together in 2018 since you two are the magic that brought me back to photography and print art in general. Thanks for that!
Happy New Year to you!
Nice to hear from you Mr Pope, and glad you didn’t miss this post :)
The blue dress was Holly’s idea, and works very well, while I chose to include a bit of the blue door.
I’m pleased that Holly and I brought you back to photography, she was a huge influence on me and led to great improvements in my photography, as well as giving me a huge amount of pleasure in producing the images.
Happy New Year to you as well.
Voilée ou dévoilée turquoise / coquelicot qui vole au vent , Tim, vous sublimez la femme à travers vos modèles. Partout est l’érotisme naturel ou spiritualisé JD
Quatre couleurs et leurs dégradés gris de la pierre, blond vénitien de la chevelure, l’incarnat non pas terne de la chair et le bleu ambigu (turquoise) du voile, tache de couleur … elle reste seule, JD
Merci Jean pour vos gentils mots