So for the rest of these images I had to spend quite a bit of time using the healing and cloning tools to remove the marks, but I think you will agree that it was worth it.
Fortunately by the next day and after a bath Raphaella said that the marks had gone, but I will be a bit more careful next time when a model tries to dive into reeds/grasses/bushes etc naked.
You will notice that in a departure for me that Raphaella is partially clothed in some of these shots (clue: the headdress). These were brought along by the amazingly talented photographer Rebecca Parker and were made by either her, her mother or her aunt (I will update this post when she tells me who!!)[UPDATE:Headdress by Recbecca, her relatives have made pieces in other images], and I was shooting alongside one of my great shooting buddies Rob Southall who very kindly lets me use his studio (which is where the Piano shot from the last post was done).
So a huge thank you to Raphaella, Rebecca, Rob and any of Rebecca’s relatives who made anything for this shoot :)
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