My images are often of models at a location, where they are not necessarily that large in the frame. So for one of my last shoots I decided I would try to produce some more traditional portraits, and luckily I had the perfect model for this, the incredibly beautiful Fredau.
According to the dictionary definition a portrait is an image in which the face and its expression is predominant, so that’s what I went for. We produced so many great images and these are a just a small selection.
We also did some more traditional nudes as well.
And also a bit of creative imagery.
Fredau now lives in Canada, and I’m sure I’m one of a long queue of photographers who can’t wait to work with her again when she next visits the UK. So I hope you’re having a great life in Canada Fredau, and thanks for producing so many great images with me.
Beautiful images the first is my all out favourite xx
Thank you Elizabeth, funnily enough I did that one just as a banner image.
Lovely work Tim.
Lovely work Tim.
Thanks Lost Aussie :)
Hi Tim…. Lovely work with Fredau.. my own pref is the second down. Strangely I do not actually find Fredau beautiful…there is NO doubt that she is a truly attractive lady but to a funny old painter not really ‘beautiful’ Muscle tone is the BIG thing for me… She is gloriously ‘soft’…
Best regards///Rod
Thanks for your comment Rod. Beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder, so for your paints you are looking for something in particular. Personally I do find her very beautiful as I do all of the models I work with, including the models with more muscle tone that would appeal more to you such as Katy.
Hope you are well and don’t forget my painting ;-)
The third photo makes me want to wait for her to tell me something. Maybe it’s the clear, straight gaze of her eyes. The photo is honest, subtle, strong but maybe a little sad too. It’s deep and elegant.
Thank you as ever for your thoughtful comments Mr Pope. I’ve just entered it into an exhibition with a title of ‘The Stare’ as there is definitely something there, and we each read something different into it.
Maybe this year is the year of the portrait?