I’m still busy working on images for various things, but thought I should post a couple of images.
For anyone who has ever read this blog before the models concerned need no introduction. The first one is of the beautiful and talented Raphaella, desaturated a bit to give that dreamy feeling. I love the shadows of the trees on the wood which is why I have left quite a bit of space around the window. This image has been accepted in a couple of exhibitions, but I may do some more tidying up on it at some stage.
Another window shot, this time of the equally beautiful and talented Holly. (Note the ‘equally’, I’m sensible enough to know that both models could come across this post, and also it’s true.)
I love the way that Holly’s hair is ‘fluffed up’.This image needs a bit more working doing on it before going into a competition, toning down the light area at the top left of the image, and I’ll probably clone a row or brick at the top to make it more balanced and even, but as it matches the first image I thought I would put it up.
Many thanks to Raphaella and Holly for filling the windows so delightfully, and to the kind people who let me use their properties to shoot in. Any other suggestions or offers of locations most welcome.
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