I’ve used Blue Carrot Studios on a number of occasions, and will be back again in the future. Its an amazing space with lovely textures and natural light, and a huge number of props.
The owners Mark and Tiffany are really friendly and will do everything to ensure you have a great shoot.
I was very fortunate to recently have the opportunity to shoot Tiffany who as well as being one of the owners of the studio, is also a very good model.
I took a few newly acquired props with me, and here are a few of the images with one of the props.
Now for some strange reason whenever I edit any of the images I shot with Tiffany I have an urge to oversaturate, desaturate, or generally muck around with the image – not always to good effect(Sorry Tiffany!!)
Here’s one that hopefully does work, although when I first sent her the image she quite rightly pointed out that her skin was a bit too ‘Tango Orange’ for her liking, so I pulled the effect back a bit!!!
And finally an image that shows off Tiffany’s lovely figure, with a slight rookie mistake in this image in that while her body was lit her hair was not, so as she has quite dark hair it was impossible to get any meaningful detail into the hair. The hair in this photo is courtesy of another image and a bit of Photoshop trickery.
And that’s it, I still have some more images to produce for Tiffany – hopefully without too much mucking about with them :)
So thank you very much to Tiffany, both for her modelling and her wonderful studio.
I particularly love the first image, with the huge skull! Very imaginative, great work.