While I don’t necessarily take pictures with a specific purpose in mind, it is good to have some direction for your work as I find it helps me improve, and in that respect I enter exhibitions and also try for various photographic distinctions that are available.
Many of my posts refer to the FIAP distinctions, that are recognised worldwide, and FIAP exhibitions generally require a certain style of image to get accepted as you are competing against photographers from many countries around the World. Then there are PAGB exhibitions which are UK based, and so require a subtlety different type of image to do well.
One other type of distinction is through the Royal Photographic Society, which to quote themselves “..was founded in 1853 ‘to promote the Art and Science of Photography'”. Unlike the other two institutions, for the RPS distinction I chose you need a panel of fifteen images that look good in their entirety rather than individually, and generally more artistic images do well rather than images with immediate impact.
I chose to apply for the Associateship distinction, and really the only person I was competing against was myself, with the panel of images assessed by a group of Fellows of the society. According to the blurb “you need to demonstrate a high standard of technical competence as well as provide evidence of creative ability and the development of personal style”.
So on October 12th I drove down to Bath where the headquarters for the society are to deliver my panel of images. I chose not to stay and watch the assessment, instead opting to take some photographs nearby which will appear in a future blog post, and got an email the following day saying that my panel had been successful :)
Here is the layout of the panel as it was judged:
All panels have to have a statement of intent, and mine was as follows:
“These images reflect my interpretation of the female nude.
I have explored the subject through dynamic and expressive poses using a variety of viewpoints and locations.”
I have explored the subject through dynamic and expressive poses using a variety of viewpoints and locations.”
And I have also uploaded a gallery of the individual images.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the models concerned who have worked with me as my skills have developed, and who are as much the creators of this panel as myself. They have put up with various combinations of cold, damp, dust and me dangling a camera above their heads :D
Congrats Tim and what a panel. Very well dome
Hi Tim, been following your work for a while now and I have been most impressed. Congratulations on a brilliant achievement. Hope one day to be half as good ;-)
Well done Tim!!!!
[…] applied for my ARPS distinction with the Royal Photographic Society and wrote about that in a post, so this month it was my DPAGB assessment with the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, which is […]